
Tuesday 13 December 2016

PB4L lesson: Being Hurt

Today we had a PB4L lesson and it is being hurt. What I learnt was that if someone gets hurt you have to:

  • Go tell the duty teacher
  • Make sure you ask them they are okay
  • You ask the teacher if they need help
  • You tell the little children to go away
  • Make sure you ask the teacher if you want to help them
  • Do not crowd around the teacher and the person that is hurt.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Hour Of Code

Yesterday room 14 and our buddy class room 2 we had an hour of code. We learnt that hour of code is like controlling the the people to move and we were using games. The games we played was Moana, Mine craft and star wars. My partner was Molly she was also learning how to code as well. We watched a video first and it was kind of like genius hour. Doing hour of code is fun but also challenging because there are directions which is kind of hard to control . My buddy was just looking at me playing. I got up to level 12 which was really challenging.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Shot put


At shot put we learnt some skills which are

  • Get your neck dirty so that you can push it
  • Get your hand dirty so that the ball dose'nt fall
  • Keep your palm clean
  • Keep your elbows up
  • Push the ball 
  • Don't throw the ball
  • Arms up
  • If you are right handed you face the right
  • If you are left handed you face the left
  • Remember to bend your knees 
  • Tuck the ball onto your neck 

Emergency kit

Hello this is a drawing about an emergency kit for Volcano eruptions, tornado, hurricane, earthquakes, tsunami, fire and floods.
these are the things you need for your emergency kit.
Flashlight, spare clothes, food, glow tape, bottles of water, matches or candles, first aid kit.

You will need the flashlight or matches if it's dark, Bottles for drinking, Spare clothes just encase you get dirty or wet, First aid kit because you might get injured, Glow tape is for when it's dark you can tape it around the box or container, Batteries are for the flashlight encase the batteries are out and lastly you will need food so that when you get hungry you can just eat. But it's better if you have canned food that's easier to open.  

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Food for thought

Food for thought

Today Room 14 went to New World and we were doing a food check so that we make healthy food choices and so we could read the . So we had a paper a it said how much fat and sugar, sodium, dietary fibre, energy that was in the product. And what I learnt that was that in the nutri grain there is 26.7g sugar so that means its better if you eat other healthy cereals.

Here are some photo's of us writing how much fat, energy, sugar, sodium, dietary fibre was in the product.

Thats ME!!:>

Thursday 22 September 2016

How to be sunsmart

Hi this is my poster about being sun smart. Hope you read it and learn about being sun smart.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

How to be healthy

Hi this is drawing about why we should be healthy. Hope you learn something from this. THANK YOU :)

Thursday 8 September 2016


This year was speeches!!!! a lot of people wanted to compete so then they did. I was one of them but I didn't finish mine. When I came back the finals were here!!!!!!!!!. The people who competed did great and they had a wonderful speech. When the judges went to decide who came 3, 2 and 1 we had a little talk and the judges came in. Okay now I am going to tell you who came 3, 2 and 1. Okay Fifita and Vika came 3!!!!, Dinah came 2!!!!! and Danae came FIRST!!!!! :)

here's a photo :)

Cross Country

Cross Country!!!!!!!
Today we did cross country it was kind of fun but I was so tired Because I sprinted because I just wanted to come first. Once I finished I came seventh and I told myself that I should of did better than that and I could of been practising everyday cause if I did I would of been faster but I'm okay being seventh because I will always have a chance to come first.

Wednesday 10 August 2016


 We had basketball and we learnt a lot of skills which is passing, shooting and dribbling and also BEEF which means Balance, Eyes, Elbow and Follow.
Balance means to stay still and have balance so you won't fall, Eyes mean to look where your gonna shoot and pass, Elbow means to keep your elbows where your going to shoot because if you keep it cricket your gonna shoot it some where else and Follow means to sometimes follow because someone might throw the ball at you and if you miss it another team will get it.
We would always do warm ups to begin with and then we would start our lesson.
Yesterday we did shooting it was so fun and we also had a competition.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Just a dog :)

This is my book review about just a dog well he wasn't any old dog he was the special dog read it and please read the book. :) :) :) :)

Thursday 30 June 2016

My komodo dragon facts

Hi guys this is my komodo dragon facts make sure you read it because it is deadly and if you go to Indonesia be careful. :) :) :)

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Zoo trip

Hi this is my Zoo trip post and its all about animals please read it and I hope you enjoy reading it.
:) :) :)

Friday 24 June 2016

Samoan language week

Hi guys today I will be talking about what I did in the taste of Samoa.

 In this photo we were learning about taro. What I learnt about taro is in Samoa they use a can to scrap off the skin from the taro and the taro skin makes you itchy so make sure you do not touch it.

In this photo we were learning about coco beans and guess what? did you know that we could make and drink out of the coco beans try and make it at home it will taste yummy.

Over here we were learning about coconuts we all know that they taste so yum and we use them to make some food and desserts. They are teaching how to get the white stuff from the coconut.

And lucky last here we were learning about the Samoan jewellery. In Samoa there jewellery is very beautiful they use coconut shells to make earrings and bracelets. They use flax to make a bag which is very cool.

My Picasso Art Portraits

Hi guy this is my Picasso Art Portrait it shows what I have been learning about Pablo Picasso and my art is in there and I hope you enjoy reading what I have done. Thank you :)

My digital footprint

Tuesday 12 April 2016

My EOTC week diary

Hi :) This is my EOTC week diary. If you don't know what it means it means Education Outside The Classroom. Please read my diary and I hope you enjoy it By Vasiata !!! :) :) :) :)

Tuesday 26 January 2016


HI guys it's me Vasiata I'm doing this because I'm talking to you. I hope you guys are having a great holiday because if you were going to ask me I would say yes I did, oh yeah I forgot to tell you something are you guys ready for school because school starts next week. I am really looking forward to seeing you guys and I am excited to see you at school my friends.
