
Friday 20 November 2015

How to be sunsmart


Introduction: In New Zealand summer is one of the most hottest season in the year so you need to wear sunglasses and seek out the shade and wear sunscreen.

One of the best ways to be sun smart is wear sunglasses. We need to wear sunglasses so that we can keep our eyes safe. If we look up the sun our eyes will hurt.

Another best thing to be sun smart is seek out the shade. Being under the shade is a good place to be. When you be under the shade it blocks the sun shining down.

The most best thing is to wear sunscreen because when the sun is shining down you need to put sunscreen on yourself. If you don’t know the reason why it is because you will get sunburnt. If you have light skin and you don’t put sunscreen on you will have dark skin.

Do you still remember how to be sun smart? because if you don’t just keep this in your mind which is to wear sunglasses, seek out the shade and wear sunscreen. It is so easy to be sun smart so remember that.